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Agroprosperis   15.06.2017

Agroprosperis Partnership Program: an employee transformation to a professional and entrepreneur!

In 2017, Agroprosperis partnership program has celebrated its second year since implementation and a record number of participants – 965 employees of AP Farms (APF) production core!


In 2016, APFs’ production core employees for the first time received a unique offer from the investor: to invest their own money into working capital of the APF they work in and to receive additional income. In 2016, 30 professionals from 17 APFs attended the program and received a significant return on their investments due to a better understanding of their role in increasing the APF’s return on capital. The first wave of the program participants included, mainly, general directors, chief agronomists and controlling managers.


In 2017, 965 employees from 50 APFs participated in Agroprosperis partnership program, while over 60% of new partners were equipment operators! This indicator was the focus of 2017 program because the Group management strongly believes that equipment operators’ high professionalism and responsible attitude to work are the key to the profitable agricultural production.


From May 22 to May 31, 2017, all partnership program participants attended working meetings with investor in Kyiv. During these meetings, partners got acquainted with innovative tools for making competent professional decisions, developed by Agroprosperis Group experts. Through interactive IT tools installed on tablets, partners saw in the real-time mode how their daily decisions on agritechnology and production efficiency influence the return on capital, and thus their income.


During the Smart Agri Business modeling championship, many teams achieved significant return on working capital! Highest-scoring teams received valuable prizes, and each partner received a special share, symbolizing his or her new status. As a result, when they returned to their workplaces, they were not only directors, agronomists and equipment operators, but professionals and entrepreneurs, directly interested in transferring the maximum achievements from virtual reality to a specific APF’s return on capital, and knowing exactly how to do it!



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