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Agroprosperis 08.03.2022

Agroprosperis Group companies of Khmelnytsk and Vynnytsia regions guard the Ukrainian lands

At the moment we all have one task – to help the Ukraine’s Armed Forces, territory defense, families who suffered from the war.


Our farms’ offices turned into humanitarian storages.


Our cars transport food, medicines and other first necessities.


Our employees fight for our Motherland in the Armed Forces and territory defense, cook food for the military and internal migrants, weave masking nets and work as volunteers.


Tens of our cars and trucks are given for the army needs.


Thousands liters of fuel, protective means for our defenders and connection devices, heaters, sets of tools, packed lunches, food, linen and hundreds of other things were provided by our farms for our countrymen.


Our usual life has changed in one morning. We keep on working: applying fertilizers on winter crops, repair the equipment, prepare for seeding. The national food security is a first duty for each agrarian!


We are united and we stay strong!

Glory to Ukraine!

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