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Agroprosperis 10.05.2024

951.5 thousand tons of transported crops and a significant increase in 3d party volumes. The results of Agroprosperis auto and rail logistics for 2023-2024 MY

In April 2024, AP Marine, Agroprosperis Group logistics business, transported by road 22.4 tons of agricultural products, of which 13.4 tons (60%) were produced by the Group companies (APPs); 8.9 tons (40%) of the total transported volume were grain cargoes of our partners. The road transportation division served 19 agricultural producers that are not part of Agroprosperis Group.


During the 2023-2024 fiscal year, AP Marine automotive division transported 201.5 tons of grain, of which 63.4 tons were agricultural products of third-party contractors.


In April 2024, 90,7 tons of grain were transported by railway cars: 50.8 tons by our own 400 cars, 39.9 tons by Ukrzaliznytsia CTL wagons.


As of May 1, 2024, over 750.000 tons of crops have already been shipped by rail for the 2023-2024 MR.

In April 2024, AP Marine together with the origination managers of Agroprosperis Trade continued to provide  transportation services for grain cargoes to the Group partners. Thanks to fruitful cooperation, 60% of the total volume of monthly transportation by AP Marine's own railway cars was made up of third parties products.


In one reporting month, the partner volumes increased from 20% in March to 60% in April 2024.


The volumes of TEO shipments to third-party contractors testify to the effectiveness of cooperation between the Agroprosperis Group business units in attracting new customers and the successful development of AP Marine as a key player in the logistics services market.


Currently, AP Marine continues to increase the volume of shipments of grain from APPs, Agroprosperis Trade - from the Group's linear elevators to port elevators, working on increasing the turnover of cars and attracting new customers!


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